Posted by : Soham Monday, 6 October 2014

I discussed about finding 'the one' earlier. But, what about marrying her? Just the exchange of a couple of rings?

It's a lot more than that.

In India:
Unlike our western counterparts, we do not propose to the female. Mostly because, in arranged marriage, you rarely meet your bride before you decide to get married.

So, there has to be a proper engagement ceremony. Now, it's not just an exchange of rings. There's a lot to be done. The bride gifts the groom a set of traditional clothing, and the groom does the same. Then they both change into the newly received clothes.

The proper name of this ceremony is 'Rupaya Naral - Sakharpuda'. So, after the exchange of clothes, the ritual is done in a traditional method. 'Rupaya' is a coin (Rupee) and 'naral' is a coconut, so a coin and coconut is given by the bride's parents, to the groom. And 'sakhar' is sugar, 'puda' is packet, so, a packet of sugar is given by the groom's parents to the bride. This symbolizes that both parents agree to the marriage.

Nowadays however, instead of these items, everyday items like clothes, spices, toiletries etc. are given to the engaged couple for their future.

In western countries:

Or for some tacky guys,

Or something similar.

Pre-wedding ceremony (bride):

In India (Mehendi):
After the engagement, the bride has a small ceremony with her family members. In this ceremony, the women have beautiful designs of mehendi/heena drawn on their arms. The bride has a very intricate mehendi, on both arms and both legs. The bride's family also hosts dinner/lunch for the other family members that attend the ceremony.

Also, the groom is called to visit, to feed his bride who is covered in mehendi and is unable to touch anything. And sometimes, in the labyrinth of designs, is the initial of the groom, which he is made to find.

In western countries (Bachelorette party):
Well, couple of things that bug me about this is that bachelorette party is not a word. However, it is called a bachelorette party, not a spinster party.

Anyway, I'm not sure if every couple has a bachelorette party, but if the videos that I have seen on the internet are real (*cough*) I should not be talking about bachelorette parties.

They also have a bridal shower. It's an all female event with food and gifts for the bride.

Pre-wedding ceremony (groom):

In India (Haldi):
Not exactly a groom ceremony, but, I decided to include it in here.

Basically, the bodies of both bride and groom are plastered with haldi (paste of turmeric) There's a LOT of detail to this which I really don't want to get into. But, back when the bride and groom would be living in different cities, the haldi that was applied to the bride would be transported to the groom that is, the same haldi would be applied to both.

Bachelor party:
Pretty much a bachelor's last chance to be a bachelor. Now, there are a few 'traditions' for this.

  1. Vegas. Not all follow it, but, in movies and sitcoms, the destination is mostly Vegas.
  2. Gambling. Well, you're in Vegas, and you're about to get married. You're already spending a lot of money, why not gamble?
  3. Drinking. That's a given when you're in Vegas but still. Although, this time, you drink till you forget your name.
  4. Strippers. The highlight of the night. 
  5. If you're in Vegas, spent a tonne of money on drinks and casinos, and strippers, you might as well get a. . .hoe.

We know what happens when you follow all these 'traditions'. 

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