Posted by : Soham Thursday 18 September 2014

I'm not a huge fan of the fact that we have to study all these extra subjects like P.T., P.D., Work Experience etc, but it does make school more fun, aside from all the problems that arise from it of course. But, these subjects, and our main subjects, all have too many projects. Again, it's not a bad thing, since we actually learn more from the practical projects, more than the books.

However, all these project deadlines drive the students crazy. I'm guessing there is no co-ordination between the teachers as a lot of the times, the deadlines co-incide with each other. And then we have to choose which project to do and which teacher to face.

Another problem that arises is that we don't get time to actually study, since most of our time is spent in homework. Now, every teacher will say "I give homework that can be done in 30 minutes." Well, (let's bring in some math from school)

We get homework for 5 subjects or, homework equivalent to that of 5 subjects. So, around 5 x 30 ie 150 minutes for homework. We'll round that off to 180, considering some subject's homework has to be done creatively. That's 3 hours gone to homework (school) itself.

So, my day starts at 2 pm, when I come back home from school and have finished having lunch. If I finish my school homework till say 5 pm and take a nap till 6 pm (to be able to stay up late) Then, after waking up, I have to go for tuitions, till 9 pm. After coming back, and finishing up dinner till around 9:30, I sit down to finish my tuition homework, till 10:30 pm. Now, I have around 90 minutes for studying, but, I've already spent most of my day exercising my brain and now it's tired. So, even if I sit down for 90 minutes and study, I don't really understand anything and it is more of a fruitless effort.

That's not my daily schedule, anyway. And most of the students I know have more tuitions and schoolwork than I do. So, where is the time to study? More importantly, where is the time to actually learn something for our future? No matter how much you disagree, knowing about the drainage pattern of Ganga, rise and decline of Adolf Hitler or poems written in various languages is definitely not going to help me if I decide to pursue further education in the fields of Science, Commerce etc.

{ 6 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."
    Thanks for sharing this information

    1. Totally agree on that home work Seriously.
      Thank you so much.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. Here, we will comparison between homework and studying. Many students dislike homework, and they avoid from doing homework but it is necessary for your good education. If you avoid from homework, you will never get proper education. I will recommend that you should focus on your study and homework both. Dissertation writing service.

  5. Homework is a set of tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed outside the class. But many students dislike this activity and they ignore it. I will advise to those students, who dislike homework, they should adopt this activity because through this activity, you can improve your study and grades. Essay writing service.


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