Posted by : Soham Monday, 5 January 2015

I'm not a huge fan of powers like invisibility, invincibility, immortality etc. and least of all, telepathy. Telepathy is the power of sensing or reading a minds and communicating mentally. For now, let's just talk about telepathic perception that is, mind reading.

As I said, I'm not a huge fan of such powers and so, I haven't seen any movies or read any books that featured such powers, but I do remember one Marathi movie about it. It seemed like a typical movie for supernatural powers.

A guy wishes he had some power, he gets the power due to weird reasons, he realizes how much work it is, he goes through a lot of hardships, and in the end wishes to lose the power.

The movie which I remember showed one guy who wished to be able to read the mind's of women. When he got the power, he realizes how much women think about and so on. And it always bugged me how they only showed one problem behind mind reading, when there're so many.

Let's assume a kid was born with this power. First of all, he would have to grow up knowing everything his parents didn't tell him. That means, while his parents told him stories of Santa Claus, he would be hearing "Santa isn't real", when his mother tells him about the Mahabharata and Ramayana, he would her his dad think "I don't know why I ever married this girl, she believes in this story (#ArrangedMarriages)" Basically, his childhood would be screwed up.

And that's still assuming he was given some orientation, as in, not to tell his parents that he can hear their thoughts. If he was never told this, and, being naive like any other kid, he would've just told his parents. His parents, after finding out that he wasn't lying would probably be too scared to be around him, and he'd be all alone.

Now, let's assume he makes it to school. In an Indian school, there are at least 40 students in one class. So, he'd have to spend around 6 hours hearing 40 people's thoughts. And these are all kids, so they would be thinking about the most random things. Besides, because of all the "voices" in. His head, he wouldn't be able to hear what the teacher is saying. So, it's useless to go to school.

As he grows up and enters high school, it'll get even worse. High school is when every kid in class has a crush and are thinking of their crushes during boring classes. And I, personally, wouldn't even want to hear anyone's thoughts about their crush. He would know a lot of secrets. But, he can't tell them to anyone because his source is know.

Worse would be him going to a movie. Even worse would be him going for Jism 2. Listening to a theater full of guys think about Sunny Leone, that can't be fun. 

Of course, there are a lot of perks. He won't ever have to study. He can just copy by listening to someone. He would easily find out if a girl likes him. He can meet anyone and know their deepest secrets, a great way of helping your country, being a telepathic spy.

But then, it kinda makes you think. Maybe this power has an off-switch. As in, you can just stop reading minds for some time. But, that's exactly like logging off when a group chat is lively. You know it's just spamming you, yet, you don't want to miss if, in case, something does happen. 

So, would you still like to have this power?

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Cops can use this power during interrogation.

    1. True, but its only a matter of time till the cop with this power realises the potential of his power. And if he himself goes against the law, it'll be tougher to catch him.


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