Posted by : Soham Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Religion-wise, people can be classified into 4 categories. The first is the rapidly growing atheist category. These people have no faith in any religion. They often debate with the theists about anomalies in myths and such.

The second category is where most of today's teenagers reside. They don't actually believe in any of the stories or theories, but, they don't want to admit that they are atheists and ruin their 'image', ironically, if all these people just admitted that they were atheists, I'm pretty sure the number of atheists would be larger than the number of theists.

The third category is the smallest of all. It consists of the theists. These people, despite the fact that they believe in the existence of an almighty power, have my respect, because, they don't blindly believe. These people are mostly priests, with only a few exceptions. And, most priests (in India) don't even come under this category because, well, they just know being a 'baba' means quick money from gullible citizens. Anyway, these theists have actually studied the myths related to their religion very carefully. The don't just know the "popular" stories, they know most, if not all, of them. And, they actually follow the "amendments" strictly.

The fourth category is, as far as I know, the largest. And, in my opinion, the stupidest. Not because they believe in the existence of God. It's your life, believe in whatever you want. But, it's because they are concrete examples of ”blind-believers". It's what atheists call the theists and these people just make it worse for the real believers. 

When I say blind believers, I mean, they don't know about the myths. I don't know much about Christianity, but Hinduism has a LOT of myths and different Gods and Goddesses. These people only know the very mainstream ones. But, that by itself is still fine. You believe in just one God, fine by me.

The reason they are, in my opinion, the stupidest is because they have the nerve to go around calling themselves saints. These are the same people who pick fights with atheists. Of course, a lot of atheists know myths and deities better than these people so, the argument is pretty one sided. 

I mean, if you believe in one God, just do it, don't go around picking fights with people who don't. I'm not saying atheists are right either. Being one of them, I know how it is, it starts with a simple atheist post on Facebook and ends with all the fake theists on your friend list against all the atheists on your friend list. I don't know why we can't just believe/not believe without feeling the need to prove it.

And these are the people who have statuses like, "Atheists, why do you need Christmas holidays?" Well, I don't know about other atheists but, I don't mind going to school in December, but the question is, will my teachers show up? The answer to that question is because it's been declared a holiday. It's not like the theists take a leave on that day. Everyone has been given that holiday because the majority of the population took leaves anyway. 

Of course, atheists make it even worse by saying, "If we can't enjoy holidays, why do you get to benefit from modern medicine? Next time you have a cold, don't go to a doctor, go to church,"

Though what pisses me off the most is the fact that these theists don't really follow their religion. As in, they go drinking, and commit all those other sins, and then when they're in trouble, they pray to God. They justify it by saying "I just drink occasionally, it's fine." It's not. If you want to be a theist, you have to follow the "rules" 24/7 till you die. I mean, by that logic, I am also allowed to kill people as long as I do it once a year or so. (It'd take a few years but, if that logic was accepted, the atheists might just be able to take over.)

To be honest, right now, I don't really want to call myself an atheist either. Not because of all the hate I get from my relatives or basically any grown up in this country (aka fake theists) but because that term is starting to become like "otaku". Everyone is just fighting amongst themselves based on their religious views.

The Hindus fight with the Muslims, the Christians and what not, while the atheists fight with all of them. If they could just stop fighting and quietly follow their religions, the world would be such a better place. 

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