Posted by : Soham Saturday, 20 December 2014

I can understand the motive behind festivals. They're based on some historical event or according to some calendar etc, and religious people celebrate it with the proper rituals etc.

What I don't understand is, days like Mother's Day, Teacher's Day etc.

Teacher's Day, in that list, is the one that bugs me the most.

First of all, it's a different date in every country. I mean, it's an internationally celebrated day, why do you need separate dates for it? Are you worried one country's celebration will interrupt another country's celebration? Or that there's going to be too much celebration that day so it should be restricted to one country at a time?

In India, we celebrate it by having presentations for the teachers, usually a dance, skit/play, or speeches. And then, in some cases, the seniors teach the juniors while the teachers take the day off.

That's how we celebrate teacher's day in our school. From August, we start begging teachers for some time to discuss what we want to do. Then we start begging for practice time while negotiating with the teacher to let us celebrate it.

Then on the 5th, we make the teachers gather everyone in one place. We present whatever it is that we have done.

My question is, why do you need a day to show your gratitude? Because, seriously, that's the only day when students respect their teachers.

Every other day, it's just teasing behind their backs, irritating them to no end etc. So, why go out of your way to dance for them? Simple, you get a break from studies and a lot of free periods.

But, then, there are those speeches. Those emotional speeches that say how glad we all are to have teachers like you. And the very next day, we irritate you in our class, and you scold us to no end.

We know that no matter how much you scold us, you still care very much about us and you only scold us because we're doing something wrong.

And you know that we don't actually hate you and it's just human nature to slightly rebel against any authority figure.

So, why put up a show for all this?

And the most hilarious part about Teacher's Day is, the children are never wished on Children's Day. Teachers don't put up a show on Children's Day. In fact, this year, we had to remind our teachers that it was Children's Day. It was a childish thing to do, we're not considered children any more, but, there should be some reciprocated celebration.

And the grown-ups justify this by saying "every day is children's day". Well, it's not. If it is, they have a very bad way of celebrating it by yelling to our faces.

The same goes for the other days like Mother's Day, Father's Day (If it even exists) etc.

The worst of all, in my opinion, is Valentine's Day.

Sad part is, not many people know about it's origin. Not that they care, they just like to do what all people do, stupidly follow the trend without caring what it's about.

The story says that Saint Valentinus used to perform weddings for soldiers who had sworn not to marry. And it was said that when he was jailed for his actions, he (magically) healed the daughter of the person who jailed him. And he was later executed for all that he had done.

So, basically, we're all celebrating the fact that some priest, who married a bunch of people who weren't supposed to get married, was killed for spreading love.

What a romantic day!

I don't understand the need for this occasion either. Couples celebrate it by exchanging flowers, gifts and going out to a nice restaurant or something. I'm not saying every date is like that but Valentine's Day is nothing different. It's just a bit more fancy.

Valentine's Day is a relationship's equivalent of an Apple product. It costs more, but does the same thing that any other day does.

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