Posted by : Soham Tuesday, 6 January 2015

This has been a very active debate ever since atheists started openly debating about the existence of Gods. Does our life just end after we die? After all the years we spent, does our mind just stop thinking?

We're told that afterlife does exist, by a lot of people. But, the concept of afterlife is pretty mainstream in most popular religions. It states that after death, we are taken to a place where we are first judged based on all our past actions. If God thinks you were a good human, he sends you to heaven.

Heaven, a place that has increased all our expectations. We've come up with such theories about it, I doubt, even if it does exist, it's going to be as good as we expect it to be. I mean, think about it. Who made heaven? God. Who made the Earth? God. Do we like life on Earth? When you add computers, movies, food, drinks, women, yes, we do. But, heaven is like God's own place. So, obviously, there won't be any meat (unless you're christian) Drinking is considered a sin in most religions so, there won't be any kind of alcohol. God never created computers or cameras, so there won't be any kind of media to keep you entertained. And women, well, everyone thinks Heaven is a place where the residents are beautiful and they serve you as you want.

But, if you ever actually read the "rules" of most religions, you'll know that lust is also one of the deadly sins. So, it's not like you're gonna have a lot of fun with the ladies on God's turf.

And if God thinks you've sinned too much, he will send you to hell. We've all imagined hell as a place underground, where there is no food, drink, and is probably full of demons that God has damned to eternal captivity. 

Some even believe in rebirth. And if I was to believe in one of these theories, I would pick this one. But, then, I found out that the theory of rebirth revolves around karma. Which means, basically, God judges your entire life and based on that, he decides which creature you'll be reborn as. 

For some reason, I don't like being judged by someone who did such a bad job making certain people, so I started thinking about different methods of afterlife.

One theory that I came up with, and that I liked, was well, rebirth. But not as an animal, based on my life performance. Maybe, after we die, we are just born again, in a different dimension. Of course, if we're being reborn, we'll have memory of our life on earth.

But then, if we're living in a different dimension and if the way to get here is by dying on Earth, that means everyone in this dimension was a resident of Earth before. Then comes the question, will my body be the same? Well, no, there's no reason for it to be the same. So, you'd have a new body, maybe even a new gender, but the same mind. In this world, man trapped in a woman's body would actually make sense.

So, what happens after you die in this world? Simple, you are reborn in the next dimension. It is said that there innumerable dimensions, so, what if we just kept traveling from dimension to dimension after death. Maybe there aren't innumerable dimensions. Maybe there are only a few hundred.

But that's still a 100 hundred lives. Maybe, after we're done with all the dimensions, we are reborn on Earth again.

Next time you meet someone who claims to have reborn, you might want to think about this theory.

Another theory that I'd personally like to believe in is, we are reborn, in a different year. For example, if I die in 2015, there's a chance I'll be reborn in 2100s or even 1900s. Of course, if you're reborn in the past, you'll be in someone else's body, maybe even a popular historic figure like Hitler.

Through various movies and series, you have learned that we shouldn't change the past, but if this was true, you might be able to. And your future, the present, would completely change.

I'll conclude before this gets anymore complicated. All these are theories, there's no explanation yet, the only way to find out, is to, well, die. 

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