Posted by : Soham
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Out of all the subjects that we have, languages have got to be the toughest. For other subjects, at least you can memorize the answers to get the grades. But, for languages, you can memorize the answers, but what about Grammar? Writing skill exercises?
That's going off-topic though. The main concern is, why are languages taught using lessons? I mean, it's fine for the first language (English) because, we have comprehension in the exams and so, we don't even have to learn the answers. So, naturally, the teacher doesn't waste time making us write answers or discuss them in detail either.
But, for the second and third language, we just have to memorize the answers. No comprehension in the exams.
I mean, what are lessons? Stories. Biographies. Letters. Factoids. Why must we memorize parts of stories? And if we write it in our own words,
And more importantly, the teachers spend too much time on lessons, and ignore grammar.
Isn't that the whole God damn point of learning languages in school? To make us able to write better? What good is knowing answers to lessons that people don't even know going to do to us?
As far as I'm concerned, they should focus on grammar which is way more important than knowing,
And, based on the context only. You can't add any points of your own,
And, everyone knows how amazing our grammar or English in general is.

Your bed doesn't have it's own shit? Wow. You are missing out on one of the World's best things.
I don't even...
I so wish I learned English from these guys...
So true. India is so gerat.
If that is her in the photo, it would take a lot to make her feel cute...must be a vry sweetie song!!!!